Here we go! Welcome to the comic
/Welcome to the Taiga. This comic has been a long time coming. It started as an idea between me and Joel Crawford when we were both working on Rise of the Guardians at DreamWorks Animation. I have long since left DreamWorks but Joel has been a consistent sound board and consultant on the project. Now many years later I have toiled over two full scripts and a few rough passes of the entire comic and now I feel like I’m ready to start sharing the story as I finish it. There are many influences on this story: Miyazaki’s Princess Mononoke, Sergio Leone’s Fistful of Dollar and the Good the Bad and the Ugly, Alejandro Inarritu’s the Revenant and Quentin Tarantino’s Django, George Orwell’s Animal Farm and Richard Adam’s Watership Down. So if you have an aversion to some of these story tellers this comic may not be for you.
This was one of the first images I drew for the comic.
The original opening I drew a few years ago is very similar. I decided to expand the moment to show the pack hunting and establish a few of the characters.